Sunday, March 9, 2014

I Ain't Scurred!!!

"Fear of a name increases fear of a thing itself"~Hermione Granger

Truth is everything scares me...but spiders probably scare me the most. Even typing about them right now is freaking me out! I'm scared of the fact that they're always around me. I hate how they have so many eyes and legs. They seem to find me when I'm most vulnerable. Can I just not talk about this now? It's freaking me out!

I'm scared of being left alone. I've never seen I am legend, but the thought of being the only life form left on earth freaks me out! Thinking about having no one to talk or cry to ever again makes me feel empty. When people leave me for more than a week it's like they're leaving me forever. Imagining that forever actually taking place just leaves a bottomless pit in my stomach!


Blogging is terrifying! It's easy for me to look through things I post and feel satisfied, but what does everyone else think? Do I sound dark? Do I let too much of my personality come out? Do I post to much, or not enough? Is my blog to dull? Seriously, it's so stressful and horrifying to me! I'm still trying to figure out why I let myself do this...

Life freaks me out to the max! Like where am I going to go from here? It's almost like once I graduate, I'm officially on my own! No more relying on mommy and daddy to help me make choices. No more just talking things through with teachers to get my grades up. And no more talking to the kids I've grown up with. It's so scary to think that I'll be a completely different person with new experiences in a year from now!

I'm scared of finishing things, like this blog post. That's why I'm just going to leave it here and like myself freak out about it later!



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