Sunday, April 27, 2014

How To Be Me

“Sometimes I feel as though there are two me's, one coasting directly on top of the other: the superficial me, who nods when she's supposed to nod and says what she's supposed to say, and some other, deeper part, the part that worries and dreams... Most of the time they move along in sync and I hardly notice the split, but sometimes it feels as though I'm two whole different people and I could rip apart at any second.” ~Lauren Oliver, Delirium

I love things simple. Simple clothes. Simple outfits. Simple dates. You get the point, I'm just a really simple person.

I'm not scared of really anything. Spiders are the absolute worst, and to me it's hard to find anything scarier than that. I guess I don't really watch scary movies though, so go ahead and add that onto my list of fears!

Writing is one of my favorite things to do, but I'm not very good at it, so I usually just keep it to my journal.

Everyone has a tendency to think I'm shy, but trust me when I say that's not true at all. The only time I'm ever really quiet is when I'm in class, besides that though I swear I don't know how to shut up. People who hang out with me learn very quickly that I never really run out of things to talk about. 

I love being outside. If I have the choice to sit inside or being outside hiking, I'll chose hiking any day! It's just so pretty outside, and just perfect.

The piano is probably my favorite thing in the whole world. I love how I can just sit down and play my heart out and not worry about the rest of the world. It's seriously one of the most beautiful things I can think about.

Blues my favorite color, and I have blue eyes, so that's something to be happy about.

I. LOVE. READING. If I could spend an entire day reading, I would not complain.

Long phone calls that are hard to end are simply the best. 

I hate mayonnaise, mustard, unmade beds, messy rooms/kitchens, when people say the word "like" fifty times in one sentence, boys, when people say "your" when they're suppose to say "you're," people who think they know everything, when people spell my name wrong, etc. 

My favorite animal is a dolphin.

I love getting caught in the rain, wearing over-sized sweaters, scotcharu's, Gatorade, watching chick-flicks, laughing even though I have the worst laugh, smiling, shopping(even though I don't like spending money?), boys, building snowmen, singing/playing piano, etc.

That's just a little bit of what it takes to be me!



Sunday, April 20, 2014

Lonely chairs

  Waiting for someone to come push me
  Waiting for someone to be real with me
  Wishing someone knew how to find me
   Longing for someone to remember I'm        
               waiting here, alone
    Lost in the woods, never to be found

Friday, April 4, 2014

I Hate Being Jealous, But I Can't Help It!

Truth is I'm jealous of Jacky O'.
Her posts are just so real and perfect!
Basically everything I can't make MY posts.
The overall appearance of the kissing drafts blog is adorable.
It makes me kind of hate my blog to be honest. 
There's not been one post she's written that I hate.
I just can't believe how much they relate to me.
Her words are always beautiful, and they make me think about everything.
I don't know how she does it, but she's amazing!!!!
PPPLLLEEEAASSEEE check out her blog if you haven't done so already!

